Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

insani syahbarwati: seekor ayam yang mengganti nyawa adikku (1)

insani syahbarwati: seekor ayam yang mengganti nyawa adikku (1)facebook.com

seekor ayam yang mengganti nyawa adikku (1)

Namanya Heru Asianto usianya kini 33 tahun, saya masih terpesona padanya dia adikku ketiga dari empat bersaudara. Meski bernama Heru namun sejak kecil kami memanggilnya Heri, kecuali teman sekolahnya yang memanggilnya Heru. Saya masih terpesona setiap kali mellihat adik ketigaku ini. Mungkin lebih tepatnya tidak percaya bahwa hingga usianya 33 tahun ini, dia masih hidup sehat dan berbadan subur.

Sebab jika kembali ke 10 tahun lalu, tepatnya 27 Juli 1999, dia nyaris merenggang nyawa diujung sebutir peluru yang menembus batok kepalanya, dan saya berada jauh di Jember, ketika peristiwa itu terjadi. Saya tidak melihatnya dalam kondisi sekarat. Tapi dari mama, saya jadi tahu setiap detail peristiwa mengenaskan itu.

Hari itu hujan sangat deras, Heri berlari melewati pintu gerbang sebelah barat pelabuhan besar -Pelabuhan Yos Sudarso- mama mengejar dari arah warungnya, meminta Heri kembali, entah Heri mendengar atau tidak Heri terus saja berlari, menembus Gang Fully dan terus menyemberang ke arah lorong Lipo Bank. Lalu tiba-tiba Heri berputar kencang 180 derajat lalu terjatuh di atas aspal.

Masih sadar Heri mencoba bangkit dan berbalik arah menuju Gang Fully, dia meraba kepalanya yang bersimbah darah, Heri masih terus berjalan, Faruk Attamimi, seorang temannya tinggal di Lorong Arab Gang Fully melihatnya dan menolong Heri yang nyaris ambruk, dalam ingatannya Faruk mengatakan, Heri sempat berbisik lemah,'' Ruk Beta dapa tembak ya ( Ruk, saya tertembak ya), '' lalu dia ambruk. Bersama seorang teman mengapit di belakang, faruk membonceng Heri melarikanya ke Rumah Sakit Al Fatah yang hanya berjarak sekitar 500 meter.

Seorang kawan Heri yang melihatnya dipapah masuk bersimbah darah, berbalik arah ke pelabuhan besar, menuju warung mama di dalam pelabuhan. Dia lalu mengabarkan Heri yang berada di rumah sakit. Mama, tersadar, saat ayam yang di peroleh dari seorang bocah pengungsi asal Kairatu yang sempat di tolong mama dan kemudian ayam tersebut di pelihara Heri hingga siap di potong. Tiba-tiba saja menghilang dari atas meja saat akan di potong mama.

Mama melompat seketika berlari sekncang-kencangnya ke arah kompleks Masjid Al Fatah di mana rumah sakit berada, pagar tembok setinggi 2 meter di lompatinya. Tiba di rumah sakit, mama menemukan Heri diantara sejumlah pasien lain dengan macam-macam kondisi, sebagian lain terluka bacok di hampir seluruh tubuhnya, yang lainnya terpotong tangan, tertembak di paha. Mama mendapati wajah dan kepala Heri sudah dibersihkan dari darah, namun dua lubang yang terbuka masih terus mengeluarkan darah.

Menyadari usia Heri yang baru 23 tahun kala itu, mama bergegas meminta dokter menjahit 2 lubang yang menganga di kepala Heri. Di bagian depan di ujung alis kanannya dan di batok kepala bagian belakang. Yang paling parah bagian belakang kepala lubang selebar 3 senti terbuka lebar. Saat akan di jahit dan perban di buka, cairan otak berwarna putih menyembur keluar, dengan doa mama berusaha memasukkan kembali otak ke dalam batok kepalanya. Dokter Rivai Ambon, hanya ternganga ketika mama memasukan otak Heri. Usai menjahit dokter merujuk Heri ke Rumah Rakit Tentara Latumeten

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009

A big little stupid putative

A friend of mine, asked me what if life was no longer agitated, because he is accustomed to go, had to stop at one point not hers. I can not answer that question, but I usually have lots of words, I have so many words to explain many thing that she ask me. But this time, i just stay silent, until her tired to Questioning. she asked something that she knew the answer, but she needs someone else to answer for her to convince her that's the answer.
Formerly she was a woman with all sorts of desires and dreams in her pace that she wants to realize. Formerly she was a woman with all kinds of expressions. she meaning every step she makes, she felt any air that she felt. she read the meaning in every second intake of breath. But that was, until finally she was in a position now, just ordinary people with ordinary thought. I looked at her with a regular, should something not happen in his life.
Then she stretched repeating the same question, do you thing should I lived all this things behind me and started a new life?, Another question. I smile, you have kids that reality, you have responsibilities that reality, because you have selected when you step into the present life, I said to myself, only myself, because I do not want the words floating in the air.
What I'm gonna do?, What I supposed to do? If this were another two or three years from now I could die of suicide, she said again, my heart said, lets see ... because, every night that appeared in her head, I kill myself.
I know, something inside her is missing, its same with hundred of women who get married, feeling better view after take that responsibility, but most feels like stop breathing. I also but I tried to face reality.
Many women accept the marriage as the nature and natural law to be served, just do and face it. But many also feel the marriage is a cage or even a rough prison.
Luckily for those who are married to men and not married to the egos of men, married men, means that the husband would release the wife to be her and not someone else, loving soul as it is she, gives a sense of comfort, taste and touch with not routine, married to men is to be friends, protectors, lovers, friends, good and always there, right or wrong, good or bad, just love her the way she is .. and it was difficult to only one among a thousand ...
I smiled again when the dialog interpreuner danced in my heart. My friend confessed, she married a man who was a dominant technique in bed. But that's it, it just sex, not a romance, not love, something like sports, in a matter of changing some style, I know, she wants more, she wants passion, she wants love, she wants romance, not just sex. If you need sex, just go to a brothel and you can get by easily. But love, passion, taste, you can only get from someone that give you that with full of love.
That's what makes every night dreaming of suicide. Another thing, she was no longer able to express, do something to her life, personal things, she can show the world that here I am, I am important, I am good, I am somebody with ability, not just anybody
But that is only open to the surface of a mother who works just upset and angry, emotions, and emotions, looks like not minded taking care of her children, taking care of her own house, husband and manything. What emerges is a false woman who smiled at the world outside but go to pieces in his soul. Someone who no longer has a soul, just ordinary people with ordinary thought. It's no longer someone who has charisma, confidence high, she just think that I am just women not a WOMAN.
And I'm afraid, and up, one night she will not kill Herself in her dream but in her sleep ...
The question is still ringing, what I have to do .... What I supposed to do ..., well, can you answer that ...?
Many a man running down the street, one area in Ambon July 27, 2000, they intercept anyone who met in the street, with a machete drawn at the end there is a drop of blood

A woman came fear, a threat that a machete unsheathed a remaining drop of blood, one question that can not be answered at the end with the lives lost at the end of the machete that is remaining drops of his blood. Mayat perempuan di lego begitu saja ke dalam got. The bodies of women in lego just in the gutter.

On either side of me, children and women suffer the same fate. Ada yang beruntung tidak sampai tewas, namun yang tersisa adalah trauma. There are lucky not to die, but the remaining are traumatized.

A friend of mine in Aceh told the traumatic feelings that still remain, when DOM (Military Operations Area) took place, citing his father and older brother GAM followers, killing them in front of the eyes, mother of raped in front of the eye, and in the killing. It was her turn at the turn endlessly by many men berpostur sturdy. He kept it until now had crazy for it though.

My other colleagues in Papua, also a journalist, telling stories, in one tribe, a man who has lots of pork (symbol of prosperity of people of Papua), can marry many women and all living under one roof, to be servants for men. Women are second-class citizens who do not have any rights. They even had to work hard for oneself even have a husband.

Then the women in Aceh, Acehnese Women's Congress design. They were united, convey shouting kepenatannya, the results of women in Aceh could do more, they're in a lot of parties and given the widest possible opportunity, they repair themselves from the trauma of a long day.

So also in Papua, Papua Women's Congress, produces extraordinary recommendations, a woman managed to sit as vice chairman of the unity of the church as Papua, which has been difficult in women occupy.

So what do women want in a congress of the Moluccas.A question arises in the minds of many women Maluku. I interviewed some of them at random. From among politicians reveal, there is a desire to reach agreement, the woman must be committed with the 30 percent quota and women should choose a woman, so the bargaining position of women in politics could be more calculated. Because obviously more women voters than men.

From among the housewives, the simple desire, the right to live a more decent, fulfilling the needs of families, of course including free health and education over the intensifying.

In academic circles and the bureaucracy, the same opportunities given to women seluasnya to increase the opportunities get better facilities, could occupy a strategic position, is an effort that is worth fighting for.

Then the mama-Sibu and Sibu papale ask, one simple thing, with little capital and distance from the mountains and remote beaches to the market in the city, they hoped they were not in gusur when berjualanan, the pull of the levy should be and of course free pemalakan thugs from the market. They wished they could bring home some profits from the sale of a bundle ganemo or a fish.

Unlike a profession, nurses and health workers in hospitals, the hospital hoping their honorariums better meet the standards and pay on time, the housemaid in revealing the pain and snapped their employers could expect better appreciated and humanized.

As for the women victims of conflict who have lost homes, relatives and experiencing physically and mentally traumatic for 1999 Maluku conflict, or a partial conflict now occurs between kampung and ethnicity, expect, more men and give reducing egoismenya a safe and comfortable for children children and women, in order to live a normal life and can have a dream about the future expectations better. To bear and raise children in a healthy environment away from violence and and uncertainty.

Many complaints and expectations, but generally women Moluccas, hoping their rights and more exalted dignity, not tortured physically and mentally, in treating people properly, be given greater opportunities, not abused and humiliated.

Many women's empowerment program, prepared the central and local governments, but unfortunately there are many such programs do not touch the basic interests of women in real Moluccas.

Many women's homework for the long road toward the Moluccas recover or repair the situation to be more pro-women's interests.

Actually, the discussion about gender differences at the time of drafting, designing or implementing to rehabilitate the condition of women is unlikely to date. Patriarchal culture that has traditionally become a part of women's history and even Maluku Indonesia, a major cause of the difficulty of women's right to live a decent life and normal.

Then the representation of women could talk and discuss in Maluku Konges I Women who will be 29-31 degrees this January, to discuss thoroughly and gave birth to the best resolution recovery Maluku women? or just limited to an''activity''which just passed it. Then that's it. This precious moment should be a new milestone for women Maluku, designed to further the interests heard and considered. I hope so

Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009

i wish i can....

Seandainya aku bisa hidup di dunia kembali, maka aku akan mendirikan sholat, puasa, membayar zakat,
melaksanakan haji, membaca dan memahami Al-Qur'an, bersedekah, berserah diri, sabar bila ada musibah, berlaku
baik kepada orang, menolong sesama yang sedang kesusahan, tidak iri hati, tidak takabur, tidak riya', tidak menyakiti
hati orang, tidak memutuskan tali persaudaraan, bersikap ramah, menghindari marah, bijaksana, tidak bergunjing, tidak
berburuk sangka, tidak zalim, selalu senyum, memaafkan orang, mendamaikan permusuhan, memuliakan tamu,
memenuhi undangan, menjenguk yang sakit, mengajak orang ke jalan Allah, memenuhi janji, berlaku baik dengan
tetangga, tidak kikir, menjaga kebersihan, mendoakan orang tua, tidak durhaka kepada orang tua, berlaku lemah lembut
dengan pembantu, mengantarkan jenazah, menuntut ilmu, mengamalkan ilmu, menyantuni anak yatim, bersyukur atas
segala nikmat, bekerja, memakan barang yang halal ..."
Aku tidak akan melakukan hal-hal seperti ini: mempersekutukan Allah, mudah berputus asa, membunuh sesuatu
yang diharamkan Allah, menuduh berzina kepada perempuan baik-baik, memakan harta anak yatim, lari dari medan
pertempuran, memakan harta riba, melakukan perbuatan sihir, berzina, bersumpah palsu, berkhianat, memberikan
kesaksian palsu, minum khamar, berjudi, memutuskan janji, memutuskan tali persaudaraan, meninggalkan ibadah apa
saja yang telah diwajibkan Allah ..."